If you have problems with nuisance bats, it is only natural to want to take action and do something about it. However, it is wise to study the Virginia laws surrounding wild bats before you decide to take matters into your own hands. Continue reading to learn which state laws govern wild bats, and what you can do if you have trouble with nuisance bats around your property.

Bats are Protected Under Law
You might be wondering why laws about bats and bat control even exist. Well, the answer mostly has to do with all the vital ecological and Economical benefits bat populations provide us. Read our blog, “The Ecological Importance of Bats” to better understand the wonderful attributes of these commonly misrepresented mammals. So if you have nuisance bats inhabiting your property, whether inside or out, you definitely need to take action; the catch here is to make sure you take the PROPER action as to not violate any laws surrounding bats and bat removal.
The Endangered Species Act
There are 15 bat species commonly found here in Virginia. Within these species, 3 in particular are Federally-endangered, and 1 that is state-endangered (Rafinesque’s Big-Eared Bat). All of them are currently protected by the Endangered Species Act. This act strictly prohibits anyone from attempting to “harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, collect, or attempt to engage in any such conduct” with any endangered or threatened species of wildlife, including bats. The bats that are on this list include the Gray Bat (Myotis grisescens), Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalist), Virginia Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii virginianus), and the Rafinesque’s Big-Eared Bat (Also known as the Southeastern Big-eared Bat).
Additional bat species in Virginia include the Eastern Small-footed Bat, Northern Long-eared Bat, Eastern Pipistrelle Bat, Silver-haired Bat, Eastern Red Bat, Hoary Bat, Seminole Bat, American Long-Eared Bat, Lump-Nosed Bat, Ozark Big-Eared Bat, Townsend’s Big-Eared Bat, and the Northern Myotis.
Here is What You Need to Know:
According to the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF), in Virginia, it is illegal to, “transport, release, or relocate a bat anywhere other than the property it was caught on,” as well as, “poison any animal (including bat) other than rats and mice on your property.” Furthermore, it is a Federal offense to, “harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct” any endangered or threatened species.”
What to Do if You Have Bats
If you find a bat inside your home or office, immediately contact a licensed and insured Virginia bat removal company for emergency extraction that is both safe and humane. In fact, the Virginia Department of Health recommends retaining the bat for Rabies testing if it was found indoors. Your bat removal specialists can assist you with this process.

If you have bats around your property that are causing problems, call Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for safe and humane bat removal and control assistance in Old Dominion. We serve all of Virginia with 24 hour bat removal, as well as, numerous residential and commercial bat exclusion services, such as bat cleanup and restorations for bat damages. We even provide insurance work! Call us to request a free estimate, anytime.